Stay positive Archives - Run Like a Kenyon Running to nourish the sole Fri, 02 Apr 2021 22:56:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Stay positive Archives - Run Like a Kenyon 32 32 What are you wearing under there? Fri, 03 Apr 2020 23:58:25 +0000 Alright, I know this is a bit personal, but I really gotta know. Do you wear underwear when you run? Or do any sort of workout? Actually that’s not true, I don’t have to know. What you have going on down below is your business but I’ve always been sort of fascinated by the varying […]

The post What are you wearing under there? appeared first on Run Like a Kenyon.

Alright, I know this is a bit personal, but I really gotta know. Do you wear underwear when you run? Or do any sort of workout?

Actually that’s not true, I don’t have to know. What you have going on down below is your business but I’ve always been sort of fascinated by the varying opinions out there on the subject. The fact that people wear underwear to work out baffles me. That’s right folks. Commando city over here.

Let’s move on…

Choosing Joy

Now that undies are taken care of, I thought today’s post should be about finding the positive in these times and choosing joy over fear and hate.

Right now there is plenty to be scared, frustrated, and angry about. I’m all of these things and more. However this week, something happened that made me realize I need to pause and realize that while all of the madness is going on, good things are happening too.

Ok, this is not earth shattering news, but we runners know that injuries suck and can really derail our lives and mess with our mojo. Since my last marathon in January, I’ve been struggling with pain on the bottom of my right foot. Not enough to keep me from running, but enough that it was bothersome.

I went to see my chiropractor who worked it out, determined there were no major problems and that it would just take time. Well if it’s one thing I don’t have is patience for my body to heal, let me tell you. I’m a terrible patient. I want to be better right now, and I want to carry on with my business.

Anyway, about a month ago, he told me at our last session that if I was not better in about two weeks to call. And then…the Rona happened. Two weeks passed and I did not feel better. In fact, at times I think it was worse but now was certainly not the time to stop moving right? I have to keep my sanity!

Fast Forward

Yesterday I went for a walk and as I was walking I stopped and thought “HEY! My foot doesn’t hurt!” It was the first time in months that I wasn’t favoring my right foot, and didn’t feel any pain. Then I realized that I couldn’t exactly remember the last day I felt pain. Whoa!

What this told me was that I was so busy with worry I didn’t stop to realize how good my body was feeling. Positive. I also realized that for the last 3 weeks the only shoes I’ve worn are running shoes and orthotic slippers (judge me if you must, they are amazing). Now I wonder if my lack of supportive footwear during the day (hello, fashion) was not letting my foot get the real rest it needed. Positive.

It’s Not All Bad

The point of my rambling here is that good things continue to happen throughout the bad times. Here are just a few things that I took note of during my pain free walk:

  • My apartment is super clean because I’ve been home
  • I get to experience quality time with my senior pup who won’t be around forever
  • I’m not in an office with endless sugar temptations
  • I can sleep a little later if I need to because my schedule is a bit more relaxed
  • My beauty product budget is super low right now (why bother with hair gel and mascara?)
  • I’ve made contact with friends far and wide who I’d lost touch with


You can see from my list, these aren’t major events, but small everyday reasons to find peace and joy. I don’t mean to sound like a motivational speaker here…hell maybe I do…but I think we all need some positives right now. There is so much hurt and negativity to dwell on. It’s ok to let yourself live it, feel it and mourn the life you had three months ago. It’s also important to not stay there. If you’re struggling, reach out, get out, try and find something positive in every day.

Love and happy running to you all!

The post What are you wearing under there? appeared first on Run Like a Kenyon.

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