In warmer months, over dressing is simpler. You’re already warm when you start and worst case, you can usually just remove a layer. When the temperature drops, things get trickier. There’s a tendency to pile on too many clothes and while, sure you can still remove a layer you’ve got an added factor. Wind chill.
Consider this: You’re cold, it’s 30 degrees out and you put on a long sleeve cozy shirt and for good measure add another one or a jacket. You start running and now you’re too warm, you’re sweating and need to strip down a bit. You take off your outer layer, but the inner layer is too loose, too sweaty, and the chill hits and you’re shivering. Not only is that a pain in the you know what…but now in addition to stressing your body with a run you’re stressing it with a drop in temperature and messing with the ability to self regulate.
That was a lot, sorry. Fear not. I’m here to help and with a little knowledge and practice you’ll soon be a pro.
Dress like it’s warmer
Ok, I know. It’s cold outside and you’re warm and toasty inside. The thought of walking out in anything less than a puffy jacket seems crazy. However, the key to winter running is dressing like it’s a 10 or so degrees warmer than it is, because once you get out there…you WILL be warmer. Trust me, a few brief moments of discomfort will serve you well in the long run.
It’s also important to remember that we all have our own standard of normal. What I mean is, some of us run a standard 98.6, some of us run hotter. Some of us barely sweat while some of us can wring out their run gear like a wet towel. That’s all to say follow these guidelines, but if you aren’t warm enough during your run, next time add more. If you’re too hot, take away. Just be smart.
Here’s the Run Like a Kenyon guide when the temps get below 50 degrees F:
40-49 degrees – long sleeve moisture wicking shirt, shorts, capris, or tights depending on preference, gloves if you want them or have something like Raynaud’s, and a headband might be needed if particularly windy to cover the ears.
30-39 degrees – same as above, but add an optional light jacket or vest and definitely consider the gloves and headband.
20-29 degrees – think layers, either a long sleeve moisture wicking shirt AND short sleeves underneath to keep the core warm, or an added light jacket or vest, pants or tights depending on preference, gloves and a headband for the ears.
10-19 degrees – two long sleeve moisture wicking shirts, pants or tights (maybe both depending on the temperature rating of the tights), gloves or mittens, headband and hat. Maybe throw on a windbreaker for extra breezy days.
0-9 degrees – all of the above, plus a balaclava or ski mask to cover your face.
below 0 – you do you, I’m out.
Warm Up
It may help alleviate some of the immediate cold shock to do a quick warm up inside. Check out my essential pre-run stretches for more info. The key when warming up inside is to NOT break a sweat. If you start out sweating the cold wind will be a real shock to your system when you get outside.
On super windy days it can also be helpful to start against the wind (anyone else singing?). If you start out against the wind, by the time you are at your sweatiest and tired, you’ll have the wind at your back.
Change out of wet clothes ASAP
Hooray! You’re done with your run in the elements. Now don’t sit around in those cold sweaty clothes. Even if you’re not ready to jump into a hot shower, which is my fave thing to do to warm up, get out of those clothes before you get the chills. Trust me on this.
Another thing I love to do is drink something toasty post run like hot cocoa (or Hot Chocolate Tailwind) to warm myself up after a chilly run. Now, doesn’t that make you a little less reluctant to get out there? 🙂
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