As you come to the end of marathon training, there are two things that go hand in hand. Tapering and mental toughness. You’ll need both to achieve your marathon dreams. π
What is marathon tapering?
Tapering for a marathon is a period before the race, typically about three weeks, where you reduce your run distance and intensity, giving yourself full time to recover and make sure you are well rested for race day. This typically follows your longest run and as the name suggests gradually decreases your mileage over the three weeks so that the last week you’re not running any significant distance.
Tapering for a marathon can be really hard for some runners who feel like they are losing their fitness by not running strong right up until the race. This could not be further from the truth. In these last weeks rest actually becomes more important than running to let muscles repair the damage done during the intensity period. It’s also important to boost the immune system during this period of rest. The intense training required to run 26.2 miles puts a lot of stress on the body and neglecting proper rest opens you up for injury and illness. Not what you want this close to the race!
How do you taper properly for a marathon?
Your goal is to decrease your mileage and intensity, not make a drastic drop. Start by taking your mileage down by about 20%. Then in the second week of taper, even more so. Say your longest run was 20 miles. Now you should be around 10. By that last week, going out for a run should feel effortless. Plans can vary but think single digits here.
Food plays an important role in tapering. Resist the urge to over carb load. Yes, you’ll need carbs, but you don’t need to eat a plate of spaghetti every night. Focus on healthy carbs, high protein, and immunity boosting foods. I also like to dose up on Vitamin C to ensure I’m ready to go!
What else should I know about tapering for a marathon?
You might feel awful. You’ve been putting your body to WORK for months and now you’re allowing it to rest and recover fully. You may not have thought this way before, but recovering takes energy! Your body is directing a lot of energy to muscle and joint repair, your immune system, etc and that can leave you pretty tired. I usually feel like my legs are made of lead. Don’t worry though, by race day you’ll be feeling great! This is why you taper for those weeks, so you aren’t feeling recovery effects during the marathon.
GO SLOW! I say this all the time, but your easy runs should be easy. A couple of minutes slower than your goal pace, in fact. It may drive you crazy but resist the urge to race or do speed work during taper. Your body will thank you soon.
What if I get sick or injured during taper?
No one wants this, but my thought is that as long as it’s not serious (a cold, mild pulled muscle, etc) skipping a few runs won’t hurt at this stage. Again, rest is the most important thing now. Check out my advice for What do do when your training goes off the rails if things get really crazy.
Staying mentally tough
You’ve put in the work and it’s almost time to reap the rewards. At this stage, nerves are bound to start setting in along with self doubt. Trust yourself. Trust your plan. Don’t try and squeeze in more than your plan recommends because you don’t feel ready. Being slightly underprepared is better than overtraining when it comes to the marathon. And guess what? Almost no one feels ready for their first time. Most people are terrified. But if you’ve gotten to this point, you’ve got it.
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